Reflections on 2010

How time flies, soon Chloe is going to be one. It's been a interesting year since Chloe came, how fast she has grown from 50cm to now 70 plus cm, from 3kg plus to 10kg.
From lying down most of the time to learning to walk.
From mostly crying to now saying papapapa mamamama mummummumum and of course still crying.
From being quite passive to being quite proactive, if you carry her she will point where she wants you to go.
From lying down and waving her hands to trying to dance, haha her favourite music is I'm your little butterfly! She will just dance to the music, bending her little knees and shaking.
Preparing to eat durian
Mmm nice nice durian!
Chloe is 10 months liao ! Soon she will be one !
Singapore celebrated her 45th birthday yesterday, but I felt like I was 80, here's why..
Chloe waked up as usual (early in the morning), so being the only other living being that was awake I attended to the princess. Carried her around, then don;t know why my back starts hurting. By the time I was out with my wife and her friends I was really feeling uncomfortable, by the afternoon. I was walking like an old man, back slight arched.
Walking was abit difficult, sometimes a sharp pain would run up my back if I walk abit too fast or tense up abit, by the time I went back to my in laws, I was sitting down most of the time and not moving around too much.
Chloe didn't get carried by her dad too much yesterday.
Anyway after a night's sleep, all seems to be better now, back not hurting, can feel abit sore when i move around too much, I can stand up straight, walking seems ok, and I went to work. But I am taking things easy for now, maybe by not carrying any load or even (gasp) Chloe for today.
Now I understand what old people who has back problems are going through. For those who have kids, no make that for those who have a back take care of your back ah!
Watch this interesting video from TED, if you don't know what TED is. You owe yourself to go to the site. There are many interesting talks by great speakers you will sure find something that inspires you. The talks are not that long, but the speakers are great.
One video that i watched recently is by Ben Dunlap talks about a passionate life, he talks about Sandor Teszler, a Hungarian Holocaust survivor who taught him about passionate living and lifelong learning..
Towards the end of the video he gave a quote from Mahatma Ghandi,
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
It made me think about Chloe or babies in general, their zest for life is amazing, Chloe can crawl and stand by pulling up on a table or chair or bedframe (the list continues...), always occupying her time moving around or interacting with the objects around her until she is tired or wants to be feed.
When you give her something new she takes the time to hold it examine it closely, trying to figure out all about it, sometimes knocking it around to see what happens.
Aren't babies amazing, looking at them somehow makes me feel that I should do more with my life, living life to the fullest and learning everyday.
I've got an Olympus XA2 sometime ago, went to taiwan last year march shot 2 rolls (one roll is still in the camera not finished yet). Only recently then I developed the first roll, in HC-110, think I've overdeveloped the film abit. Quite interesting to develop the roll of film since I had no idea what was in that roll, these shots are from the "pre-chloe" era.
Anyway here are the more interesting shots, (aka the better ones, since most of the shots were of me testing the camera)
Chloe is 8 mths 10 days ago, but me abit busy and lazy lah so neber blog. My wife and I always try to take a pic of her every month on the dot at 1735H the time she was born, but most of the time she is asleep like the picture above.
Cutting it square for the pictures cause thinking of buying square frames and putting them up in my new house when it's ready. Thinking of having a photowall, with all different sizes of frames and all the pictures of my family up there. Haha show off some of my photographs also. I don't go out much to take pictures exclusively nowadays so Chloe has to suffer as my model to satisfy my photography itch.
Sleeping with piglet
It's amazing how fast she grow though can't imagine just 8 months ago she was small and tiny and all she do is sleep. Now she is so active, she now takes half hour naps perhaps 2-3 times a day and the rest of the time she is just moving, crawling, grabbing stuff (she likes paper a lot, much more than the toys we get for her). Haha sometimes I wonder where she gets all that energy from
Yeah ! I am crawling !