Found this new show available on-line from Make Magazine, haven watched the first episode yet. The show should interesting judging from the only copy of Make that I have ever read and the stuff that is on their website.
As extracted from the website.-------------------------------
Introducing Make: television
Presenting a new national series from MAKE magazine, Twin Cities Public Television, and American Public Television.
The series encourages everyone to invent, revent, recycle, upcycle, and act up. Based on the popular Make magazine, each half-hour episode hopes to inspire viewers to think, create, and, well, make.
"Making" TV and web history, Make: television has debuted in all of the following places - Viewed or downloaded DRM-free, in HD on - available on Vimeo, YouTube, blip.tviTunes... and now on LegalTorrents. That's right you can use any BitTorrenting p2p client to download the first episode of Make: televison. The more folks who download the show, the faster the downloads get. and
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