New PC, McAfree Sercurity Center problems
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By Stephen Lee
I got my new Dell PC on thusday at about 9:15pm, first impressions was, wha... fast fast haha but today ran into some problems with the internet connection.
Seems like I can ping the various websites but can't seem to display them in Firefox/IE. Finally found the problem, I have McAfree Sercurity Center on my PC, even though the firewall is configured correctly, go to the "Manage Network" part and click "Trust this Network" and all will be fine.
Internet and Firewall page
Similary if you are using VMWare player and using the NAT/Host only network settings you might find that you might be unable to ping the host pc. Go to "Internet and Firewall" on the home page of the Sercurity Center and select "Configure" and then at the "Firewall" portion select "Advanced...", on the left side you should see an option named "Trusted and Banned IPs", put the network that you want to allow into the list and ur vm should be able to ping your host.So if you are using Dell and having the McAfree Sercurity Center software, you might want to take note of the above
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