Chloe loves Barney, so much that she even gave him a nick name. Ah Meng (Not Ah Meng as in the orang utan, more like Meng as in ็).
She has to have a Ah Meng show at least once a day. If she is upset just the sight of Ah Meng on tv would calm her down.
When she bathes Ah Meng goes with her and she would clean Ah Meng with soap and ask me to wipe Ah Meng dry before going out of the bathe room.
She can watch the same Ah Meng show over and over again... until we can't take it and gotta buy other Ah Meng DVDs so that we wont have to watch the same thing over again. Until we realized, the songs are pretty much the same.
We went to watch Ah Meng at Marina Square one weekend after her class at Gymboree. The moment Ah Meng came out she looked blankly at him and started waving her hands to say "Hi". Think she was abit shocked to see Ah Meng so big and live.
What amazes me was after the show. The show ended at about 4:15pm, the next show was at 7pm and parents were already queuing up for the next show, the first 50 get a change to take pictures with Ah Meng but unfortunately for Chloe her parents were not crazy enough to do that.
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